Statistics of Hotel and Other Accomodation Gorontalo Regency 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Gorontalo Regency

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Statistics of Hotel and Other Accomodation Gorontalo Regency 2019

Catalog Number : 8403002.7502
Publication Number : 75020.2025
Release Date : December 1, 2020
File Size : 3.25 MB


The tourism sector as one of the sectors that plays a role in the regional development framework of Gorontalo District requires optimal attention and handling so that its existence in the future becomes better. The availability of accurate, accurate and reliable data on hotel activities to support tourism development in Gorontalo is urgently needed by tourism actors, related government agencies and other data users. The publication "Statistics of Hotels and Other Accommodations in Gorontalo Regency 2018", is one of the products of the Gorontalo District Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) which presumably can fulfill some of the data needs as mentioned above.
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